• Audio editing station on a ‘Timeline’ 32000 tracks.
  • Indépendent managment of audio input (8 in the Falcon version).
  • Audio output on mixing table 8 input / 2 output.
  • Possibility to output in 8 tracks for an external mixer.
  • Simultaneous playing and recording (full-duplex !!).

Planed :

  • Integration of MIDI tracks.

Ecran de Travail
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. Volumes
. Panoramics
. Input levels
. Equalizer (3 bands of frequencies)
Table de Mixage

The action of a SOLO button engages a special mode where only track whose SOLO button is selected will be able to be listened (we can therefore having several). The TONE button allows the application of the tonality 3 bands to the track. That allows to manage the DSP occupation (for the application of others effects).

The user will be able to choose any number and any track selection for the recording (provided that to possess sufficiently entries and a hard disk enouth rapid). For example, it will be entirely able to record on tracks 2 and 5, while it will listen 8 other tracks !!



The samples are represented by blocks of colors. These blocks can display the different parameters of the sample (wave, volume, panoramic, effets...). If the same sample is present in two different places of the setting, it is present only once on the disc.

ˇ Displacement or copy of a sample the long of a track, or from a track to one other. .
ˇ Looping of a sample a determined number of time, or on a defined duration.
ˇ Mixing of several tracks on one or two others (In real time if you mix 8 tracks or less, otherwise the mixing is made offline).

Planed :

Price : FREE !!!